Chapter 757 Prevents Homelessness for Vietnam Veteran

Chapter 757 Prevents Homelessness for Vietnam Veteran

Chapter 757 of Brookings, OR stepped up to prevent a Vietnam veteran and his cat from going homeless after his home caught fire.

Air Force veteran Bob Prindle lost everything in a fire and was forced into temporary housing in places such as churches until Chapter 757 found a hotel where he could stay until he found permanent housing.

The search for housing in Brookings is generally complicated by low vacancy rates and high rents, and specifically for Prindle, a place that would allow his cat.

Because Prindle inquired about his Veterans Affairs benefits a year before the house fire and he had become a part of its system and paperwork, he was able to access housing much quicker than usual.

Chapter 757’s outreach program has spent over $60,000 since 2014, helping 74 veterans.

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