Dr. Thomas Hall Recognized for Contributions to Mental Health Communities Nationwide

Dr. Tom Hall, Chair of the VVA PTSD/Substance Abuse Committee, was recently honored with the dedication of a house in his name. The Dr. Thomas Hall House at Benilde Hall in Kansas City, Missouri, will serve as a permanent reminder of his long-time contributions to the substance-use disorder recovery and mental health communities in Kansas City and in communities nationwide.

Hall, a VVA life member who has served his fellow veterans for decades, provided clinical support, including local and national advocacy for those in recovery throughout his adult life.

In the late 70s, following his return from war, he started with veteran rap groups, sharing their mental health struggles, now known as PTSD, and he has continued to help servicemembers, veterans, and their families deal with the invisible wounds of war.

He has shared nationally about his personal battles with PTSD and the power of behavioral health services in helping veterans come all the way home after wartime service.

In his on-going work with VVA, including offering testimony before Congress about the need for more easily accessible mental health services, Tom continues to destigmatize talking about emotional pain and, as the Vietnam veteran generation ages, is working to ensure the VA and other healthcare providers are prepared to help our veterans deal with the grief and loss that occurs in higher frequency as we age.

Benilde Hall is a unique program offering housing, substance use disorder treatment, and treatment for mental illness to homeless adult men all in one single facility. The Dr. Thomas Hall House opened in April 2021 and was dedicated in July 2022. It is a sober living house that provides housing for up to 6 men who have completed the Benilde Hall program, offering graduates a sense of independence as they transition into living in the community.

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