Brian Delate's 'Memorial Day'

Brian Delate is an actor,  playwright, and director who served as a draftee infantry sergeant in the Vietnam War. His play, Memorial Day , centers on a Vietnam veteran on the verge of suicide during a Memorial Day celebration. Delate stars in the most recent version of this one-man play in a three-run performance run next week (Oct. 2, 3, and 4) at The Drilling Company Theatre in New York City (236 W. 78th St.)

“This time, we are presenting Memorial Day  with some subtle and powerful changes, ” Delate told us in an email. “Earlier this year, a 20-minute version of the play was presented twice in Vietnam. The response was amazing. In fact, I’ve been invited to return to Vietnam to present the show in its entirety later this year.

“If I had not seen it with my own eyes, I would not have believed that the Vietnamese veterans and civilians who attended the performance would have been interested in the American point of view. It was a life changing experience for all of us.”

For reservations, call 212-924-1154. Veterans receive free admission.

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