Hofstra’s ‘Into Sunlight’ VN War Conference

During the 1980s and 1900s colleges and universities seemed to be putting on some sort of Vietnam War academic conference, seminar, panel discussion or other type of similar event on a fairly regular basis. But these days academic Vietnam War conferences are about as rare as kind-hearted drill instructors.

The good news is that beginning on Thursday, April 14, Hofstra University on Long Island will present “Into Sunlight: The Impact of War on the Social Body From the Vietnam Era to the Present, ” a three-day, multi-faceted academic conference. On the agenda: lectures, panel discussions, speak-outs, art exhibits, and performance events.

The guest star is Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist David Maraniss, the author of the exceptionalVietnam War non-fiction book, They Marched Into Sunlight . Maraniss will be the Keynote speaker and will take part in several other events.

What’s unique about this conference is that it was conceived of by a Hofstra Professor of Dance, Robin Becker, who, inspired by Maraniss’ book, created a full-length dance piece, “Into Sunlight, ” which will be performed at the conference.

Also on the wide-ranging and ambitious agenda: the world premiere of a play, Undeclared History, which is based on Vietnam War era oral histories of Hofstra graduates, including veterans, antiwar activists, journalists, and faculty members.

On Friday, April 8, the panels include “Diagnosis and Treatment of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, ” with Edward Tick, the founding director of Soldier’s Heart: Veterans Safe Return Programs.

You can find out more by calling 516-463-5669 or going to the conference web site.

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