VI in Vietnam 2023

In The Year of The Cat, The Mission Continues: The Veterans Initiative Marks Its 30th Year

Following a three-year hiatus in travel to Vietnam due to the pandemic, in May, VVA sent a two-person team to restore the faith, reconnect with the veterans, and display our continuing commitment to the recovery of those still not home from our war.

Born out of a resolution first adopted by the delegates to VVA’s convention in 1989, the Veterans Initiative has worked for 30 years to identify possible Vietnamese missing in Southeast Asia through various methods — the reclamation of personal effects taken during the war, personal statements and eyewitness accounts, and the identification of unmarked gravesites.

As outlined in the resolution, the Vietnamese government participates with U.S. government investigators in locating and excavating crash and burial sites and has unilaterally located and returned the remains of missing Americans.

The Veterans Association of Vietnam (VAVN) has a deep interest in receiving reports on gravesites, letters, personal effects, documents, photos, and personal statements that would help resolve the fate of their missing.

The goodwill gesture by American veterans in turning over such reports and effects to the Vietnamese has further induced them to be forthcoming with additional information on missing Americans. Several Joint Task Force personnel have said, “simply put, the Veterans Initiative is a program that contributes to the successes in our MIA missions.”

Moreover, the Veterans Initiative offers our veterans who continue to hold on to disturbing, negative wartime memories and memorabilia the opportunity to turn these to positive, healing effects.

From May 17 – June 5, the VI traveled from North to South, beginning in Hanoi. They met with representatives of the Vietnamese government at the national and regional levels, attending 29 meetings in 20 days. They reestablished VVA’s commitment to the accounting issue and reconnected with the leadership of VAVN at the national and regional levels.

In addition to the accounting of their martyrs, the issue of Agent Orange and unexploded ordnance were topics of discussion at each meeting.


Download the complete report of the Veterans Initiative 2023 trip here.

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