AVVA Chapter 805 Educates at Agent Orange Meeting

AVVA Chapter 805

AVVA Chapter 805 of Roseburg, OR held an Agent Orange Town Hall in September. 

Chapter members aim to promote education, understanding and support for the victims of toxic herbicides like Agent Orange.

Although Agent Orange was used to clear trees and bushes in order to better target the Viet Cong, younger veterans from more recent conflicts in the Middle East have fallen ill from toxic exposure as well.

AVVA Chapter 805 also welcomed members from the Forest Service to attend as some may have used toxic herbicides in their work in domestic forests.

The Town Hall allowed participants to learn more about the ever-evolving presumptive list of illnesses from toxins that was recognized by the Agent Orange Act of 1991.

AVVA Chapter 805 has a current fundraiser selling T-shirts warning about the effects of Agent Orange on our nation’s veterans.

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