Veterans Benefits Committee Update September/October 2021


The Veterans Benefits Committee met July 12. Vice Chair John Margowski chaired the meeting due to my recovery from heart surgery. The proposed resolution submitted by South Carolina State Council President Samuel Brick was rejected by the committee. A proposed MOU between VVA and the Iowa Association of County Commissioners & Veteran Service Officers was approved.

An MOU between VVA and Veterans Voices of America was discussed. Director Felicia Mullaney will prepare a revised MOU proposal to be brought to the committee and then to the National Board. The MOU will also go through the Finance Committee, the VVA Treasurer, and our attorney. A line of communication between our membership and Veterans Voices of America needs to be established to explain how our VSO program will go forward in the future. It was suggested that Veterans Voices of America attend the Regional Conferences before the National Convention in Greensboro.

Greg Nembhard spoke to the committee about predatory actions that some groups and individuals are taking against veterans regarding their claims. The predators are taking as much as 30 percent of a veteran’s retro pay and sometimes try to poach pension benefits.

Even during this pandemic the VVA Veterans Benefits Program has continued to produce quality results for the veterans it represents. Our VSOs and staff are dedicated, hardworking men and women who work to improve the quality of life for veterans.

A meeting was held August 3 to discuss and vote on the resolutions that were sent back from the Government Affairs Committee:

VB-5: Civil Liberties of Active-Duty Military Personnel

VB-6: Just Compensation for Injuries Sustained by Active-Duty Personnel

VB-28: Removal of 5 Percent Annual Deductible for VA Pension Eligibility

VB-30: U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Spina Bifida and Birth Defects

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