Komunyakaa on ‘Da Five Bloods’

Yusef Komunyakaa, the renowned poet who served a 1969-70 Vietnam War tour of duty as an Army journalist with the Americal Division’s Southern Cross newspaper, gives his take on Da Five Bloods, the new Spike Lee Vietnam War-heavy movie, in the current issue of GQ

In the article, Komunyakaa discusses—among other things—the film, the war, his old unit, African American Medal of Honor recipients, and a trip he took back to Vietnam in 1990 with a group of other poets and writers who served in the Vietnam War: Kevin Bowen, Philip Caputo, W.D. Ehrhart, Larry Heinemann, David Hunt, Larry Rottmann, and Bruce Weigl.

Komunyakaa’s 1988 poetry collection, Dien Cai Dau deals with the Vietnam War. His Neon Vernacular: New & Selected Poems 1977-1989 (1994), received the Pulitzer Prize and the Kingsley Tufts Poetry Award. The New York State poet laureate  from 2015-17, today he is an English Professor at New York University.


July 17, 2020



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