Joiner Institute Under Threat

The William Joiner Institute for the Study of War and Social Consequences at University of Massachusetts’ Boston campus, which has been doing great work for decades, may be losing its funding. Formerly known as the Joiner Center, the Institute has long worked with Vietnam War veterans, including holding dozens of top-quality workshops for prospective writers under the direction of many great literary lions.

That list includes Vietnam War veterans, Tim O’Brien, Larry Heinemann, Bill Ehrhart, Wayne Karlin, and Yusef Komunyakaa, and the late journalist Gloria Emerson.

Friends of the Institute have started a petition to help convince the powers that be at U-Mass Boston to keep the Institute alive. To learn more about the Joiner Institute and the threat, take a look at a recent excellent article by Marc Levy, a writer and poet and Vietnam War veteran, about the situation.


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