Call for Popular Culture Papers

December 15 is the deadline for proposal submissions for presentations for this year’s Popular Culture and American Culture Association Conference, which will be held March 31-April 3 at the Renaissance Grand Hotel in St. Louis–and which also has a Vietnam War component.

All approaches and points of view—creative, scholarly, interdisciplinary, multicultural—are welcome in the areas of Vietnam War film, literature, history, sociology, political science, linguistics, ethnicity, folklore, original fiction, poetry, drama, art, music, and Vietnamese writers and artists and culture.  Or “whatever interests you about the war and its genesis or aftermath, ” Mary Sue Ply, who coordinates the PCA/ACA Vietnam War activities, told us.

The rules: Send a 250-word abstract (including title) for a paper or for a complete panel. For each presenter, include name, department and university affiliation (where appropriate), mailing address, phone number, and e-mail address.

Write to Mary Sue Ply, Department of English, Southeastern Louisiana University, SLU 10861, Hammond, LA 70466; call 985-549-3383; or email mply@selu.ed

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