FMJ in New Blu-ray Two-Disc DVD


The latest home video version of Full Metal Jacket , the iconic, bombastic 1987 Stanley Kubrick Vietnam War film, is a two-disc 25th Anniversary Edition Blu-ray (Warner Home Video, 117 minutes, $34.99), which was released on August 7.

The two-disc set “offers some new insights into” the movie’s creation, a review in The Hollywood Reporte r  noted. The picture quality is “amazing, ” the review said, “although not revelatory” since  “the transfer is the same as the one that was released in the deluxe edition from a few years ago, and in the Stanley Kubrick Limited Edition Collection.”

The set contains a commentary track and a short documentary. The reviewer’s advice: “Rent for the documentary, or buy if you don’t own this already.”


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